Town of Lisbon Mailbox Policy

The Town of Lisbon Public Works Department would like to remind property owners that during the winter months, snow and ice removal is the priority operation for maintenance forces. While it is unfortunate that encounters with rural delivery mailboxes occur, it is an unintended consequence of providing safe driving conditions for those traveling along maintained routes. Most mailbox damage is a direct result of snow being cast off of the wing, not direct wing/plow contact.

Property owners’ may reduce the risk of mailbox damage due to snow and ice removal by ensuring their mailbox is properly erected and secure per town policy. The Department appreciates your understanding in this matter and would like to remind all property owners that clearing the highways of snow and ice during the winter months is done with the intent of providing safe passage for motorists who use the transportation system. The Department undertakes this mission so that everyone may travel safe, well maintained highways during the winter months.

With that said, please click this link for the towns Mailbox Policy