Sunshine Hill Neighbor’s Center

MTM Center
Sunshine Hill and the Lisbon Recreation Staff
Sunshine Hill and the Lisbon Recreation Staff


Donated funds have allowed for renovations to the senior’s activity room, including, carpet, furniture and a new LCD flat screen TV, and recently a new mini bus.

The Recreation Department with the help of approximately 40 volunteers brought back the Moxie Car Show to Lisbon. The funds from the car show support, transportation needs and other SSH programs that have been planned.

Anyone can drop in and expect a clean, warm place to participate in games, watch TV, movies exercise, or just sit and enjoy a cup of free coffee. Cribbage Tournaments are held every monday starting at 9 am.  In addition the Center also provides "Meals on Wheels" courtesy of Androscoggin Seniors Plus.


Since November 2008, Aline, Sylvia, Andrea, and Liz have been preparing great home cooked meals every Friday at the MTM Center. The meals are the draw, but the real reason for the food is the gathering of friends, and neighbors sharing good conversations!  

Trips to the Big Apple, Washington DC, Lancaster PA, and Niagra Falls are some of the places our seniors have recently visited.  For more information on our trips please give Aline a call.

When people connect….. relationships form, ideas are shared and new events and activities are established. The SSH program we see now may not be the same we see a year from now. The Recreation Staff  will assist and facilitate in developing new activities, but the participants are the key for the continued success. The ideas will come from adult participants and they will be instrumental in their success.

Please check the Center’s Activities Calendar for these events or if you have any questions please call Aline Strout at the MTM Center at 353-0646.